
About Breathwork

Pranayama breathwork helps align the mind, body, and spirit through intentional breathing techniques. It’s more than just breathing—it’s a journey into self-discovery and healing. Breathwork brings you to a meditative state where you can quiet your mind and connect with your subconscious, even for the busiest of minds. The noise of the outside world fades, leaving space for clarity and healing.

Breathwork has been shown to decrease stress and anxiety, improve sleep, reduce high blood pressure, manage pain, increase mindfulness, and more. Whatever your goal may be, this practice is a great tool to help you connect with yourself, clear your mind, and listen to your heart.

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Connect with your mind, body, and spirit through breathwork.

60-minute 1:1 Breathwork - $90
75-minute Couples Session - $111

What to expect

A typical session lasts 60 minutes and begins with setting an intention and establishing rapport. From there, the experience unfolds with clear guidance on what to expect, creating a safe and supportive environment. Afterward, there’s a debrief to help you integrate the experience, often supported by tools like journaling or reflection cards.

The practice itself can bring about a range of physical sensations, such as cramping and temperature fluctuations. The first few minutes can feel challenging, but as you settle into the rhythm, your mind begins to quiet, and your body finds its zone. It’s a profound detox for the physical body, helping you release stored tension while grounding you spiritually. Each session is unique—sometimes deeply emotional, other times purely meditative.

Finally, remember to be gentle with yourself after a session. Drink plenty of water, take time to rest, and journal to process the insights gained. With each session, breathwork helps you align with your authentic self and live more intentionally.